
Fangirling Chinese Novels


Your Humble Servant is Guilty! (微臣有罪) – Chapter 7 (Final)


Ta-ta, the title in Chinese is 微臣有罪 (Wei Chen You Zui). I gave you a literal translation so it is quite easy to find the title in Chinese. If I translate another one, I intend to give a red herring to make your next title search a lot harder, lol. Anyway, I doubt there’ll be another one since I don’t think I can translate ancient novel well because the language is harder to understand. I better don’t destroy the authors’ hard work and leave them to people who can read Chinese so it will be more accurate. A big thank you to Hoju for helping me to translate some unfathomable Chinese terms and improve the quality of my translations 🙂

This short novel has 2 good radio dramas so do listen to them if you can understand Mandarin. Links for Drama 1 and Drama 2a & 2b are embedded.

Happy Easter to those who celebrate!

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Your Humble Servant is Guilty! – Chapter 3


Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays! I posted this a day earlier than scheduled because I know there are a lot of eager beavers 🙂 I am not sure when will be the next post because this is taking up a lot of my time 😦 By now, you should know who are the female and male leads of this story. It is obvious Liu Xi likes Song Ling Shu and vice versa.

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Your Humble Servant is Guilty! – Pilot Chapter


Next update will be at the end of Nov.

I am still on holiday. I’ve translated this about a year ago so I might as well post it. This is my first ancient novel translation so do give some face 😛 If you know Chinese, you can try and find out the title which I will only reveal later 😛 I’ve not decided if I want to continue with the translation. It all depends on the response as ancient novel is never my forte but I always like to challenge myself 🙂

If you can understand Chinese, you will be able to find the title easily and I encourage you to read it in its original language. Otherwise, do be patient. I strongly discourage people using online translation apps to read ahead. If you want to do that, you can find plenty of other books in shusheng bar.

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